5 Benefits of Google Fit to Help Monitor Fitness

Since the pandemic hit the world, more and more people are aware that physical health is a very important need to be maintained. However, limited access makes everything to be done from home, including exercise and monitoring daily activities. Various kinds of applications currently support to be able to manage the fitness and health of humans as users. Even Google also has its own application to monitor the fitness of its use. Google Fit is one of the health tracking platforms developed by Google for various operating systems, including Android, Wear OS, and Apple Inc’s iOS. Google Fit has been released since October 2014 and acts as a repository of user activity data recorded through the device. Google Fit appears simpler than many other fitness apps. Unfortunately, not many people know about the benefits of Google Fit itself. Here are 5 benefits of Google Fit that can help monitor your fitness usage.
1. Implement Personal Goals
Google Fit can help to implement each user’s personal goals. When you apply a personal goal, Google Fit also looks at the types of activities you do each day and how long it takes to build that goal.
2. Setting Targets Automatically
This feature can measure how close the user is to the target to be achieved automatically. It’s like a sports diary as well as being able to time yourself with a stopwatch. In addition, the achievement of targets from Google Fit is in the form of awards that can increase the enthusiasm and motivation of users to exercise.
3. Nutrition Tracking to Calculating Blood Pressure
Nutrition tracking in Google Fit turns tracking weight, water intake, controlling nutrition that not only focuses on calories, but also fat and fiber are taken into account.
4. Comparing Activity Over Time to See User Progress
Google Fit can analyze and provide results in the form of activity reports that can be viewed through applications or websites. From this report, it can be seen how active users have been so far and can also help increase activity. This includes providing a report on sleep conditions that can be useful for viewing sleep quality and helping improve sleep patterns.
5. Can Connect to Other Fitness Apps
Besides being able to monitor sports and daily activities, Google also has a feature to connect other fitness applications. Users can view and save data from other fitness apps that have been linked to Google Fit. Connected apps include Lifesum, Wear OS by Google, Nike+, Runkeeper, Strava, Sleep as Android, Xiaomi Mi band, and more.

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